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buy ghb onlineĀ  What is GHB?

GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) is typically an odorless, colorless liquid, with a slightly salty taste. It is classified as a sedative and is in the same drug family as Rohypnol and ketamine.

GHB is used as a general anesthetic in Europe. In the US, the FDA approved GHB for use in the treatment of narcolepsy (a sleep disorder) in 2002. This approval came with severe restrictions, including its use only for the treatment of narcolepsy and the requirement of a patient registry monitored by the FDA.

It has been used in this country as a date rape drug: it can be slipped into a victim’s drink, causing dizziness, confusion, drowsiness and sometimes loss of consciousness. When GHB is combined with alcohol, it is especially dangerous because the combination of two depressants can lead to overdose. Before the use of GHB was restricted, it was marketed to bodybuilders as a product to release growth hormone and build muscles. There is no evidence that it produces this effect. GHB was also marketed as an “herbal” supplement to help with sleep and depression. buy ghb online

How is GHB used?

GHB is generally taken in a liquid form, though it is sometimes found in powder, tablet, or capsules. Since in its liquid form the strength of GHB varies, and people’s reactions to it vary, it is very easy to take a dangerous dose of this drug. The effects of the drug begin 10 to 20 minutes after taking it and last up to 4 hours.

Why do people take GHB?

GHB can produce hallucinations and feelings of relaxation and euphoria. People who use GHB also report feeling increased energy, feeling affectionate and sociable, mild disinhibition and enhanced sexual experience.

Is GHB illegal?

GHB use is legal only when it is prescribed to someone for the treatment of narcolepsy.


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